Beyond the Cliche Nature Photography

Sunday, Feb 23rd 3:00pm
Are you tired of photographing the same iconic subjects over and over? Have your photographs become safe or boring? Are you looking for a creative jolt for your photography?
If so, join three-time Acadia Artist-in-Residence and author of Photographing Acadia National Park: The Essential Guide to When, Where, and How Colleen Miniuk for an exciting educational presentation on the “The Art of Seeing Differently” where she’ll share her insights on how to record unique and personally meaningful images that transcend the cliché.
Learn tips and tricks for visualizing clear mental pictures of your picture before snapping the shutter; tapping into individual knowledge, passions, and mindful observations as you explore your surroundings; recognizing a flash of perception when it occurs; and then transforming your ideas into a creative visual expression. Hear how to connect with your subjects on a deeper level no matter where your travels take you.
After all, as Henry David Thoreau once said, "It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see."